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sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

The haunted wig mature version

Hello friends! A mature version of "the haunted wig" is now available on xtubeI created an account there, because I was afraid to upload the video to YouTube because it contains a scene a little spicy. It is not important, only showed susan tits, but that is enough for the lords of youtube action against me. So, no problem! You can go to Xtube and enjoy my video. Also, in short, I'll post a new video on my other youtube account SylvannyTV The video will be called "Executive" In that video, you only can see my legs, but you can imagine the rest ;-) See you!

jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

The haunted wig

Ladies and gentlemen, my new video, is already here! After more than seven months of my last reccording ("Happy Christmas 2012 does not count, because it is a compilation) I have the honor to present "The haunted wig". A very funny video, and sure to delight many people. The video is a little long 6:50 minutes), but you must have patience and watch the entire video, from beginning to end, because that, you can watch the entire process of transformation and different parts of the video just as the changes of clothes. The plot is very simple: a bald strong man, obsessed with his baldness decide to buy a wig on ebay. What he can not imagine is that the wig will transform into a beautiful young lady. I'm sorry, but no special effects in this video, so that, the transformations are simple fade-out. Yes, I know there are programs to make real crazy with the videos, but I'm not computer expert, so I had to make the changes as I could... Ups! The other version of the video, the "dollspride version"... coming soon, coming soon, be patiente! :P
Parallel to this video, I have recorded enough material for my other channel. You remember? Yes, I show my legs and you imagine the rest... Of course, SylvannyTV! In the coming days I will announce when I upload some video to my other channel, I hope it's not too late... I think it's worth to see my other videos, because you can see my beautiful ass without padded or another tricks.
Well, I hope you enjoy my new video and see you soon.

lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

New video, coming soon!

Hello lovely friends! I'm alive! I know, I know... been a while since my last entry, but I've been busy, and I could not pay attention to my blog... Ok, I have a few new features since I made my last entry... New and sexy clothes, new wigs, not to mention the wonderful experience that I lived in the BFW (You can see me in the third page of Friday party Eitwo) But, without doubt, the best and most spectacular is Susan... My new silicone mask is all I wanted, and It's so "real" that it's a little difficult to differentiate from the real skin. Head down and see that cleavage is very, very exciting... You have seen my photos in fetlife or dollspride, but many people asked me about a video. A video with Susan mask, can you imagine? Yes, I've thought in it since I bought the Susan mask... Ok, now after nearly two months after receiving it, I decided to record a new video with her. Will be called "'The haunted wig" and will be about a man who don't want to be bald, but the curse of a wig has just turned into a beautiful girl. I have to say it is the video, which has cost me more to record and edit from all I've done, because is a quite complex video, with much dialogue, changes of shot and some special effects. Above, I am preparing two versions for this video. One for youtube and one for dollspride. Obviously, the version of dollspride be hotter than youtube, because there is more freedom to make videos.Coming soon, more news and I'll upload my new video on youtube. For now, you will have to conform with these photos. I hope you like them!